Silver Servers promote the Bible lessons published and distributed by Bible Educational Services and used by Postal Bible Schools and other ministries worldwide.

Silver Servers have a passion to share with the next generation the knowledge of God and His Salvation following the pattern of God’s people responding to Psalm 78:4

We will not hide them from our children,
but tell to the coming generation
the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might,
and the wonders that he has done.  ESV

Would you like to be a Silver Server?

We are anxious to increase the number of Silver Servers who will promote PBS and BES and if possible to children, grandchildren or families you know. If you are a believer in Jesus, believing that He is truly God who became truly man, and you are known as a committed Christian who has repented of sin and acknowledged Jesus as Lord and Saviour who died for sinners, was buried, and rose again, we would like you to consider sharing our passion for young people and joining us as a Silver Server? If you share this passion to reach your children, or grandchildren, or other children please email today.

News & Blog

About Bert & Wendy

Bert & Wendy Gray when children were both greatly influenced by Sunday Schools as they were growing up and heard many interesting Bible stories. Bert had the advantage of Godly parents who taught him that he needed to be saved by believing in Lord Jesus. and he did just that at the age of ten. Wendy, on the other hand, had parents who had no interest in God or salvation but her mother sent her to Sunday School with some of her other children to enjoy a quiet afternoon on a Sunday.

Wendy says she was at times a problem to her teacher because she distracted the others in her class by her behaviour.  However one day her teacher Mrs Lister noticed Wendy crying as she was reading from John’s gospel chapter 19 describing Jesus being scourged, crowned with thorns, slapped in the face by cruel men and then left to carry a wooden cross to somewhere called Golgotha outside Jerusalem. Wendy was crying because she was upset at the way that Jesus was being treated, but that day as a twelve years old she learned that Jesus had died for her sins.

Bert and Wendy were born four days apart in 1934 and met at the age of 16 in the Yorkshire city of Leeds.  In 1957 they were married at the age of 22 and set up home in the city of Cork in the Republic of Ireland and devoted their lives to telling others their story and helped many young people come to faith in Jesus Christ too.

In 1958  they started a Postal Sunday School which later became known as the Postal Bible School. In 1971 they moved to Mountmellick in Co Laois and there started the Bible Educational Services. BES included the running of the Postal Bible School, supplying Bible lessons to other independent PBS centres in Northern Ireland and other parts of the UK.  

To find out about the PBS in the Republic of Ireland today go to and to find out more about the international ministry of BES go to

Bert & Wendy Gray who founded PBS & BES.

Wendy (centre) with two of the first PBS students